Montana Mountain Views

Montana Mountain Views
Taken in the Bitteroot Valley, MT

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Imagine for a Moment...

Girls, imagine with me, for a moment, that you were engaged to the best guy around. Now imagine that he's not only a great guy, he's royalty. He's not just Prince Charming, he's The King. Your betrothed has more power than most guys will ever even dream of. The best part is that you didn't have to change who you were or be someone different or grow your hair or cut your hair or even shave your legs to catch this guy. He's handsome, powerful, rich beyond measure and he loves you. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this paragon is head-over-heals beyond measure stupid in love with you. How would you live your life differently?

I'm not talking about the surface things like not having to worry about car payments and grocery money anymore. (Although it would be a nice side benefit.) I'm talking about how you'd walk through your life. If your fiance were that powerful, would you be fearful? Me, personally? I think I'd probably have a little more swagger and wouldn't worry about walking alone after dark. The bad guys would know whose I was and they'd never even think of touching me. They'd KNOW my boyfriend would kick their butt. I wouldn't be afraid to try new things because I'd know he was there to catch me if I fell. I think I'd walk in a lot more freedom.

I don't think I'd care if petty people didn't want to be my friend because my clothes aren't designer or fancy and my hair looks funny and I have a gap in my teeth and I'm not that pretty. If I were about to marry a guy like that? Who looked at me like the sun, moon and stars couldn't come close to touching my worth to him? Yeah. The opinions of petty people wouldn't count for much in my book.

The best part? We've all got a guy like that. Jesus wants to be your "King Charming." When we were dating, my boyfriend (now husband) told me that he'd die if it was necessary to keep me safe. My young, naive, over-committed little heart went pitty pat like crazy, let me tell you. Thank goodness he's never had the opportunity to prove it. The thing is, Jesus had that opportunity and when it came down to it, he gave his life in exchange for mine because he loves me. He is head-over-heals beyond measure stupid in love with me and I didn't even have to shave my legs.
