Montana Mountain Views

Montana Mountain Views
Taken in the Bitteroot Valley, MT

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Hate Snakes!

What a beautiful day it was today! If you live in Texas, you live for days like this. Sunny, slightly breezy and mid-70's. (That's low to mid-20's for my Canadian friends who live in Celciusville.) It was a perfect shining jewel of a day. To enjoy it, I opened my back door and my front door propping the laundry room door with a brick to keep it from blowing shut and scaring the bejeebers out of the whole family. I opened the garage door and let the refreshing breezes blow through. I finally had fresh air in my house!

After an entire summer of avoiding going outside because of searing heat and glaring windshields, I felt reborn. I actually cleaned out my fridge and enjoyed it. I rinsed out the science project containers with a smile on my face and loaded the dishwasher while I did a little happy dance on my freshly swept kitchen floor. I was freaking June Cleaver. I whisked through the house; a virtual tornado of happy and contented productivity. Ah, the wonders of fall in Texas.

As I waltzed through my yet to be swept breakfast nook, I glanced under the table to see what had my cats so fascinated only to discover... a snake. Yes, you heard me correctly. A snake. A creepy little slithering unnatural mutant of nature. Have you ever wondered how they move with no feet or legs? It's just not right.

Now, I consider myself to be a pretty down-to-earth and reasonable woman. I'm not a girlie girl who screams at mice and spiders and bats. In fact, I think bats are pretty cute and I once had an earthworm for a pet when I was a kid. Snakes are my downfall. I embarrass myself with how freaked out I am about snakes. They send my blood pressure into the stratosphere and I suddenly become a quivering mass of squealing girlishness.

My husband thought it was hilarious that I emailed him that a snake was waiting under a hastily (and quite expertly, I might add) tossed Tupperware container for him to come home and liberate. Preferably in someone else's yard. He never got the chance. The darn cats would not leave that Tupperware alone. They batted at it and shoved it and were doing their feline darnedest to push over that container. Apparently they were just as uncomfortable as I was with leaving a live snake in our house. Then again, maybe they just wanted to torture it for hours until it finally died because cats think that kind of thing is fun. You never know.

Finally I put Kalen on the bed in my room, made Conner stand back and I released the freak of nature from its dishwasher-safe plastic prison. I was ready for anything. I had the dustpan held in front of my because I was just sure that undoubtedly poisonous snake would slither right for me and bite my toe. I imagined flashing red lights and an ambulance ride in my near future. (You see how illogical snakes make me?) The Tupperware flipped back. The snake froze. I banged the dust pan by the snake and herded it out the open door where it disappeared in the grass of my back yard. Anticlimactic, I know. No one was more disappointed than the cats, trust me.

Needless to say, all my doors and windows are now closed. Air conditioning is a good thing. I am no longer June Cleaver because I've gotten nothing accomplished since "The Snake Incident." Although, to be honest, June Cleaver probably would of freaked a little, too, so I don't feel so bad.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Chains vs. Snares

So, I've been thinking about what it is that traps us. The big stuff is easy to see. Abused as a child? A big chain around your waist. Raised in a cult? Huge and heavy shackles clamped to your ankles. These things clank and draw attention to themselves every time you walk. You can see these things and they are something that you OBVIOUSLY want to get free from.

The harder stuff for me is the little things. Those little foxes get me every time. I see those little things like, for instance, just a slightly skewed image of God because of who your dad was or wasn't, as more like fishing line than chains. Fishing line is sneaky. It's silent and nearly invisible. It's not something that's immediately obvious to you or anybody else. You don't know you've even been caught until it's wrapped around and pulled so tight that you're losing circulation to one of your legs. You look down and can't even remember when you picked up that tangled stuff.

I'm going to start praying that God will show me those snarled nests of invisible fishing line before I step in them and lose a leg. I'm also going to start asking for some scissors.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Letting Go

Why is it so hard for me to let God handle my stuff? In my head I know that He's infinitely bigger than any problem I have so why do I still worry and stress? I get so frustrated with myself because I just keep coming around to the same place again and again. I'm the guy who said "I do believe Lord. Help my unbelief." My head believes but my flesh doesn't.

It doesn't help that my bank account is in the negatives and my 4 year old son is driving me crazy. It's getting harder to combat that voice that screams, "See? You can't afford to stay home. You're not really cut out to be a stay-at-home-mom anyway. Your kids are probably better off with someone else." Seriously?! I wanted to be able to stay home more than anything and now that it's happened I'm scared to death.

Plus, my support base is shaky because a lot of my friends are from work so they are all busy and have no concept of what this is like. I don't blame them for not being sympathetic. I wouldn't be either. It's just hard to feel like I've kind of lost 3/4 of my friends because of the whole "out of sight out of mind" thing. But I digress.

I think part of the reason I have a hard time just letting God handle things is because in my life I don't let ANYBODY just handle things for me. I have the hardest time accepting help when it's offered much less asking for it. It's a tough habit to break. (If you offer to help me and I turn you down, call me on it!)

I keep reminding myself to take baby steps but I'm pretty impatient. I want to be fixed and refined RIGHT NOW. I don't want to have to go through the process. Lord, give me perspective.