Montana Mountain Views

Montana Mountain Views
Taken in the Bitteroot Valley, MT

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Head Shake

I'm so disappointed in our society right now.  Kadhafi is paying foreign mercenaries to murder his own people in the streets.  Libyan fighter pilots are defecting to Malta to avoid having to become a part of the slaughter.  Police and military personnel are laying down their arms and, in some cases, actually joining the protesters.  These people are laying their lives on the line to gain freedom for their country.  The news gave a short blurb about all of this. What's our big news story?  Gas prices are going up as a result of the "unrest" in the middle east.

What is wrong with us?  Really?!  Personally, I don't think I would have the guts to stand up to a cruel dictator who could not only kill me but my entire extended family and know that he would have no repercussions whatsoever.  Bravery doesn't even begin to describe what these people are doing right now.  "Ballsy" comes a little bit closer.  The name of their country means freedom and they're fighting to make that a reality.  I love it.

Are we celebrating that?  Finding a way to support them in their cause?  Calling in the UN to protect these people from the cruel man they are protesting against?  Nope.  We're worried because our gasoline might go up a few cents per gallon this week.

I wonder what went up in price during the American revolution?  Probably cotton. The funny thing is, the American revolution wasn't because they were being tortured and their families didn't disappear in the night because they said something against Crazy George.  No, they were mad because he had impacted their pocket-book.  I guess some things never change.

Monday, February 14, 2011

NOT doomed to failure

Yesterday at church, there were a few couples who stood at the front and talked about what had made their marriage successful after 12 years, 23 years, 25 years, 35 years, etc.  All of them mentioned that if you are not right with God and you don't pray together daily, your relationship with your mate is going to be at odds and you won't have a good marriage.  (I'm paraphrasing a little but it's my blog so live with it.)  I guess you can't expect otherwise being as we were in church but I've gotta say I was a little hurt. (If one of you is reading this, please don't feel like this is condemnation on you, I just have to get this out there.)

I understand what they are saying and I can agree with it up to a point but for me, personally, there are difficulties as my husband doesn't consider himself a Christian and is kind of mad at God and rebelling right now. However, my marriage is NOT somehow on the last swirl before the final flush.  All things considered, we have a fairly decent marriage.  Neither of us is sleeping with someone else on business trips to Poughkeepsie or during our lunch hour.  We don't have knock-down drag-out fights where we call each other horrible names and throw things. We don't go for days on end with strained and stressful silence filling our house as we give each other the cold shoulder. Would I like for my husband to start attending church with me and take his spiritual place in our family?  Absolutely.  Are we going to get a divorce if he doesn't?  Nope.

My husband may not call himself a Christian but he's a good man.  I am so proud of the man I married.  Does he drive me abso-stinkin-lutely insane sometimes?  You betcha.  But, he's a great father, a loving husband and he cares about the people and the world around him.  He's an AMAZING mentor for teens that have some home lives that would make your hair curl.  My husband is their safe place where they know they will be accepted for who they are right now and encouraged to become who they COULD be.  My husband is awesome.

Still, for a few moments in church yesterday, I got a little depressed listening to couple after couple talk about how necessary it was for both parties to be seeking after God.  While I'm sure it makes things easier it's not an absolute for everybody.  We don't all have that situation so where does that leave the rest of us?  Once I pulled myself out of the "poor little me" mud, I realized that you take what you've got when you've got it and you trudge on with a pretty darn good marriage.